The Life of
ca. 1473-75,
by Verrocchio,
bronze, height: 125 cm
Museo Nazionale
del Bargello,
here to see our fine art
Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) was an Italian Renaissance artist
working in the Florentine court of famous art patrons, Lorenzo
and Giuliano de' Medici.
Verrocchio ran a successful studio in Florence, his apprentices
including Italian Renaissance artists Perugino, Leonardo da Vinci,
Ghirlandaio and Botticelli.
Primarily a sculptor, among Verrocchio's most famous art
works is the bronze statue David (ca. 1476)
commissioned by Lorenzo and Giuliano de' Medici. Verrocchio's
youthful David stands with the head of Goliath at his feet,
sporting a relaxed contrapposto
stance reminiscent of Greco-Roman athelete statuary. His last
work was an equestrian statue of condottiere
Ludovico Colleoni, commissioned by the republic of Venice.
Verrocchio died before the Colleoni monument was completely
Brenda Harness, Art Historian