Piero della Francesca
of Christ by Pierro della
1448-50. Tempera on panel,
167 x 116 cm
National Gallery, London
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Strongly influenced by the Florentine art of
Donatello and Masaccio on his travels, history
records nothing for centuries of Early Italian
Renaissance painter Piero della Francesco (1416-1492)
until his re-discovery in the 20th century. Piero della
Francesca's first significant commission is The
Baptism of Christ which was executed for the San
Giovanni Chapel in the Pieve. This painting by Piero
della Francesca is remarkable for its light source coming
from above, suffusing the scene with delicate, luminous
pastel shades. This illusionistic
device by Piero della Francesca bathes the figures with
light while casting soft shadows, rendering the
appearance of solid three-dimensionality. The figures of
Piero della Francesca are somewhat somber and
wooden-like, but they are convincingly modeled.
Piero della Francesca's figure of Christ is surely inspired
by Greco-Roman statuary and reliefs, probably Donatello's influence. The almost nude
Christ figure is classically draped about the waist with soft
folds of fabric as St. John the Baptist pours water over his
head. Awaiting her baptism on the left, Piero della Francesca
depicts a partially clothed female figure flanked by two
clothed women in vibrant classical dress. On the right in the
middle ground, Piero della Francesca explores deep space as he
depicts another male figure who dons his garments while the
River Jordan flows by him receding further into space. Piero
della Francesca stops the recession into deep space with the
hills off in the background. Piero della Francesca does not
provide the viewer with a distant vista such as can be seen in
Mona Lisa
during the High
Renaissance, but it is clear that he has progressed beyond
the simple "stage-like" presentation of his predecessors.
Both Luca Signorelli
and Pietro Perugino, Raphael Sanzio's teacher,
are said to have been apprentices of Piero della Francesca.
Brenda Harness, Art Historian