Cantoria (Choir
Detail, Donatello,
1439, Marble, 348 x 570 cm
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo,
Florence, Italy
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Renaissance artist, sculptor Donatello (Donato di Niccolò
di Betto Bardi), was born ca. 1386 and died in 1466. Donatello
is a dimunitive form of his proper name Donato. Around 1405, he
joined the workshop of Italian Renaissance artist
and famous sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti,
winner of the 1402 competition for the baptistery doors in
Florence. Donatello's early works were Gothic in style, but by
1415, his style had reached maturity, changing to one of
naturalism that had not been seen in sculpture since classical
Donatello is reputed to have been a lover of antique art,
although he was not known to be an intellectual. As a skilled
artisan in both marble and bronze, he demanded a certain
amount of artistic freedom. Some of Donatello's works feature
classical Roman lettering, some of the earliest surviving
examples of an interest in this revival. Donatello made full
use of Brunelleschi's
new invention of scientific linear perspective.
Brenda Harness, Art Historian
- Donatello's David
Donatello's David, a bronze sculpture executed ca. 1425-1430, is the first large-scale, free-standing nude statue of the Renaissance.
- Donatello Sculpture of Gattamelata
This Donatello sculpture of Gattamelata was very controversial at the time of its creation as it was an equestrian monument glorifying a man who was just a man, not a ruler